Serge Van Khache is born in 1946 in Angoulême. His mother was french and his father an Asian. Stuying painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Angoulème, but at the same time he learns a lot about photography with his father. Then, he settles in Paris as a photographer and illustrator.
He worked for a lot of magazines such as Lui, Play Boy, Vogue and in the cinema, in some films by André Cayatte, Agnès Varda as well as Roger Hanin. In 1984, he decided to exclusively devote himself to painting. Van Khache’s work is in a visionnary kind of art. His technique for creating glazing looks like the flamand masters. With rigorousness and meticulousness, he takes inspiration from his asian origins that characterise his painting. In 1998, he decided to be exclusively exhibited in Galerie Mickaël Marciano, at Place des Vosges, in Paris.