Vinzarth starts to get passionate about photography in the early 80’s and gradually specializes in the field of architecture and interior design. For ten years, he discovers a new world. He showcases buildings and landscapes, modified and presented by the artist, according to precise and functional criteria.
During an exhibition in Monaco, he is fascinated by a painting in reverse perspective by Patrick Hughes. This discovery triggers the desire in him to create anamorphic oeuvres from his photos. After a year of research and studies on angles of shots, different subjects, digital graphics, practise in editing and assembling; the first photographic anamorphoses become real.
Initially attracted by buildings and their face in cities, Vinzarth “anamorphically” transforms the Art Deco and Haussmann districts of Nice. Subsequently he works on aesthetic concepts, such as « La Defense » in Paris and on monuments like the « Louvre pyramid ».
The urge to get away from reality and let his imagination unfold pushes him, nowadays, to create his own landscapes in 3D, using colour, soil, and all kind of material. He frequently revisits the urban landscape and creates imaginary neighbourhoods with his art. His work is part of Marciano‘s selection.